You should provide your name, address, phone number, email address and an (optional) brief description of how the privacy breach has affected you in the form below if you have received one of the above-referenced letters from Health Canada. This will allow us to contact you and provide you with information and updates at key points in the process. We want to hear from any individuals who are willing to share information about the effects that the privacy breach has caused.  This information may be important in determining the financial compensation that class members are entitled to.

Please note that adding your name to our list of individuals affected by the privacy breach does not create a lawyer-client relationship between yourself and Bisbicis Law Corporation or the Law Offices of Michael McCubbin. Sending your name to us does not grant you membership in the proposed class, as the scope of the proposed class will be determined at the certification hearing. Potential class members also retain the right to opt out of the class action and bring claims on an individual basis. If you wish to do so you should consult with a lawyer and obtain independent legal advice.

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