It is very important that you consult your doctor after an accident and follow their treatment recommendations for recovering from your injuries. If you fail to follow your recommended course of treatment, ICBC’s lawyers may be able to argue that you have failed to mitigate your damages, and the damage award you receive for your claim should be reduced to take this into account.

Here, it is important to remember that all individuals insured by ICBC, as well as their family members, are entitled to be compensated for all reasonable medical expenses arising out of  the accident, including treatments such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy and chiropractor visits. ICBC may sometimes stop funding you for such treatments, even though your doctor may have recommended that you maintain a specific course of treatment. If this occurs, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against ICBC to ensure you are paid the benefits you are entitled to, and you should talk to a personal injury lawyer about ways that you may be able to compel ICBC to keep funding your treatment.